From time to time as I eat a mainly Whole Foods Plant Based diet I pretty much have to make up my meals as I go to see what combinations of ingredients I like or flavours etc.
As I try to promote healthier eating I will often post the dishes on my Facebook and Twitter to encourage other to try it, and to show that not all vegetarian, Vegan or Plant Based dishes are bland or boring.
Sometimes I just get really lazy and get a few items out of the fridge, freezer and dry store and experiment to see what I end up with. Tonight is one of those nights!
Tonight's dish hasn't exactly got an abundance of fresh items or veg in it as it only has sweet potatoes as far as fresh veg goes. But I bought a couple of packs of Linda McCartneys Vegetarian Red Pepper and Chorizo sausages and wanted to dabble.
I also bought a few Red Thai Curry kits and thought 'What the hell!'....
So I've chopped the sweet potatoes up and the sausages and thrown them in the oven for a fair while and then added all the 'Red Thai' ingredients, which left me with the below picture:

It's looking a smelling good at the moment now it's back in the oven to cook the Red Thai style sauce, and I have thrown an additional tin of Hot 'n' Spicy beans in to fill it out a little more to make at least two dishes.
Fingers crossed all will turn out OK and hopefully I have found a nice meat free option to add to my list.....
Here we go...The finished dish including the added spicy beans....Looking nice and crispy :)

Until next time...Adios Amigo's (Not Thai I know).