Butternut Squash Chili with optional Butternut Squash wedges...
Ingredients used in this dish.
Optional item - A pack of Vegetarian sausages chopped into pieces.
2 tins of baked/harricot beans
1 tin of black beans
1 tin of Red kidney beans
1 Jar of bolognese sauce
Red lentils (whatever quantity you want)
Pearl barley (whatever quantity you want)
Half pint of veg stock for lentils and barley to absorb.
Full or Half a Butternut squash cut into chunks depending on whether you are making wedges as well for the oven.
Paprika, Cayenne pepper, Chili powder, Turmeric, Cumin seed and Black pepper for seasoning.
Cooking upto 4 hrs on high heat in a slow cooker, or upto 8 hours on low heat.
Served with rice, pasta or alongside a baked sweet potato. Or in this case sliced Butternut squash wedges cooked in the oven with a sprinkling of veg oil and Paprika, Cayenne pepper, Fajita seasoning and Course ground Black Pepper....
Butternut squash is best pre microwaved for 6 minutes or so to soften and save baking time.
The same applies to the Butternut Squash chunks in the chili.


Conclusion/taste test..
I have to say it was very nice, not too spicy and not to bland and easy to add more spice to it if required later. The Wedges should of been cut a bit thicker or left in a little less time. I had them in for near on an hour which was too much, go by appearance and keep checking them to suit your requirement.
I hope you enjoy if you try it out.
The Gru.