So this weeks crock pot cook for the week is the usual 'lets throw all the veg in' special, as I still had all the veg I bought last week and really needed to use it, and I kept being lazy and putting it off.
As per usual it was all my fav veg and chili spices and cayenne pepper etc and a veg stock cube to spice it up and season for taste.
Ingredients used are:
3 x Bell peppers
2 x Red onions
Couple handful's of mushrooms
Couple handful's of baby tomatoes
1 x Large Broccoli floret
Half a teacup full of dried Barley (for texture)
1 x family size jar of Bolognaise or tomato and herb sauce
1 x 400g tin of Black beans (for added protein)
1 x 400g tin of Red Kidney beans (for added protein)
1 x 400g tin of Baked beans
1 teaspoon of Chili powder
1 teaspoon of Cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon of Paprika
1-2 veg stock cubes
1.5 pints of water (add more later if needs be).
I will usually have pasta or brown rice or sweet potato with the above , but cook them separately so they don't take up space in the crock pot. That way I can usually get 7-8 portions......