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3 Bean Plant Based Chili...

Another batch of my typical 3 bean chili done and dusted. I got 10 portions out of this lot :)

Main Ingredients used:

2 x 400g tins of Baked Beans

1 x 400g tin of Black Beans

1 x 400g tin of Red Kidney Beans

1 x large jar of bolognase sauce or equivalent

1.5 x tea cup full of Dried Barley (For texture)

2 x Pints of water

2 x Vegatable stock cubes or equivalent

2 x Red Bell Peppers

1 x Large Red or White Onion

1 x Large pack of Button Mushrooms

1 x Bowl full of Baby Tomatoes or 2 tins of Plum Tomatoes

Herbs and spices for flavour:

1 x teaspoon of Turmeric

1 x teaspoon of Paprika

1 x teaspoon of Chili powder

1 x teaspoon of Cayenne pepper

2 x teaspoon of Cumin seeds

1 x teaspoon of Course Ground Black Pepper

2 x teaspoons of ‘Lazy Garlic’ or equivalent

Cooking instructions for slow cooker or casserole dish:

Pour the Dried Barley into the slow cooker with half a pint of the water (boiled) and add the veg stock and all the herbs and spices so flavour is enfused with the Dried Barley as it absorns the water.

Once the water has been absorbed and the barley pretty much puffed up to it’s natural cooked state then put ALL the other ingredients in except the jar of bolognase.

Cook for 3 hours on a slow cooker on full and when all ingredients seem to be softened and cooked then add the jar of bolognase, stir and turn to low for another 1-2 hours until you are happy with it.

If you are doing it in a casserole dish in an oven then it’s more likely to require 1 hour on 180-200C and then another 30-60 minutes with the bolognase sauce in but heat left at 180C for the remainder of the time required.

Portioning up:

Allow to cool and then ladel it up into tupperware or take away containers and top with baby spinach leaves if possible and then put in the freezer for future use. Defrost portions over 24hrs in the fridge or leave out at room temperature for 3-4 hours and then microwave for 4-5 minutes or reheat in a pan. Serve on it’s own or with Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes or Oven Chips or Wedges....


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