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Time is fleeting. Share a care and a smile....

Time is fleeting, use it wisely. Cherish those you Love and keep them close.

Live a life filled with compassion, caring and consideration toward others, not one filled with social standing, selfishness and self-adulation.

Strive to make a valued difference in someones life by making it better even if only brief, rather than striving to hold onto that which you cannot take with you when your time is up.

Treat life and each new day like a new book opened for the first time from the front, filled with countless possibilities, mystery and wonder of what may lay ahead. As opposed to opening it from the back only to discover that you have missed it all and it is almost over.

Do what you can, for who you can, while you can. A smile can be a mask to cover a day full of pain, but it can also be used as a beam of light brightening the lives of those around you......

Share a care and a smile, it may be the one thing those important to us remember about us the most. xx

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