So this was an experiment that thankfully worked. I had a 350g bag of Asda Sweet Potato soup mix, which is basically 87% finely chopped sweet potato and 13% finely chopped leaks.
The idea is you add water and stock and after 20 mins Bob's your Uncle! That's what it said on the packet, but I never follow instructions so I made it my way and added stuff as I went.
I had two Sweet Ramiro peppers I needed to use up, so they were definitely going in the pan. I chopped them up into small pieces and put them in a large pan and added the 350g bag of soup mix.
I added 1 pint of boiling water and one Veg stock cube, as 1 pint seems to be the norm for a 350g bag of soup mix.
Next was a heaped spoon of Turmeric (I'd go for a level spoon perhaps next time).
Next was some cayenne pepper and some chili powder to suit your own taste, and that was all the kick I think it needed for added flavour.
I brought it to the boil for 1 minute and then simmered for roughly 25-30 minutes.
I found the Turmeric a little overpowering as I'd added a little too much (Heaped teaspoon) so I added maybe a teacup full of coconut milk to tone it down and to add a little sweetness.
The coconut milk obviously added liquid volume so needed a little thickening so I put 3-4 teaspoon of Veg gravy granules in as I knew they would thicken.
Bang a hand blender in it to get the consistency you want, and that is it.
I cooled it, portioned it into 3 single portions and froze it.
Once defrosted each portion needs microwaving for 2-3 minutes, or you could reheat in a pan.
Once served whack a large spoon of Hummus into it.
Glad to say it was boss!
Ingredients list again:
1 x 350g bag of sweet potato soup mix (87% finely chopped sweet potato, 13% finely chopped leaks)
2 x Sweet ramiro peppers
1 x Pint of boiling water
1 x Veg stock cube
1 x Teaspoon of Turmeric
1 x Dash of Cayenne pepper to suit
1 x Dash of Chili powder to suit
1 x Tea cup full of coconut milk (I used standard out of a carton stuff, not the tinned pure coconut milk, although I'd recommend out of a tin if you have it).
Add several teaspoons of Veg gravy granules if needed to thicken, or just use a little less water overall.
Might go well with a dash of fresh lime too if you have it.
Enjoy :)