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Plant based Butternut squash, Chick pea & Coconut curry.

I've done dishes with Butternut squash before, but usually just as a carb source and filler for a Chili based dish. This time it was the turn of my Coconut curry dish.....

Ingredients list in order of preparation and cooking:

2 x Butternut squash (chopped)

1 x Large white onion (chopped)

2 x Yellow Bell peppers (chopped)

2 x 400g tins of Chick peas (drained)

1 x Pack of mushrooms (preferable whole if button, or halved if large)

4 x Large Vine tomatoes (sliced into 1/4's)

1 x Pint of water mixed with the following....

1 x Teaspoon of Course ground Black pepper

1 x Teaspoon of Turmeric powder

1 x Teaspoon of Cayenne pepper

1 x Teaspoon of Paprika

2 x Veg stock cubes

4-5 x Dessert spoons of Curry powder to suit your taste

If you have it put Garlic in to suit, I didn't have any in.

At the later stages of cooking when the Butternut squash and Chick peas have softened and absorbed enough water add....

2 x Cup fulls of Dried de-stoned dates (optional, but they add a little sweetness)

1-2 x 400g tins of Coconut milk to create the creamy coconut sauce of the dish.

Continue to simmer until you get the consistency you require.

Once cooked serve on fresh uncooked Baby Spinach leaves along with rice of your choice.

I got 10 x medium takeaway sized container portions out of this batch and added the Spinach leaves into the bottm of the container before adding the cooked food, then cooling and placing in the freezer. It only takes 4 mins in the microwave after defrosting a portion in the fridge over 24hrs.

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