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Latest recipe: #Plantpowered Sweet potato & Chickpea coconut Tandoori curry.

Always one to dabble with my existing fav homemade recipes, I decided to do another chickpea & coconut curry and throw in my favourite bulking ingredient the good old Sweet potato.

I also wanted a slightly different curry taste to my usual medium curry powder so I went with half and half with medium curry powder and a Tandoori spice blend powder.

I am happy to report it came out great and I think tastes the best so far, but I am biased.....

Ingredients used in order of addition to dish:

To start..

2 x 400g tins of Chick peas (drained)

2 x Large (Diced) Sweet potatoes

2 x Yellow bell peppers (Large chopped)

1 x Large white onion (Large sliced or diced)

4 x Vine red tomatoes (Sliced into quarters)

Briefly followed by..

Half a pint of hot water combined with

1 x Veg stock cube

1 x Teaspoon of ground black pepper

1 x Teaspoon of Turmeric

1 x Teaspoon of Cayenne pepper

1 x Teaspoon of Paprika


Half way through cooking add..

1 x Half a bag of Baby spinach leaves

1 x Medium sized pack of White mushrooms


Briefly followed by...

1 x 400g tin of Coconut milk combined with

2 x Teaspoons of medium Curry powder

2 x Teaspoons of Tandoori spice blend powder

2 x Teaspoons of Lazy garlic (from a jar)


Continue to cook or simmer until sweet potato and other ingredients are soft enough to suit.

Leave to cool a bit to allow consistency to thicken a little and then add teaspoons of Veg gravy granules to thicken to a consistency you prefer.

Serve with Basmati or short grain rice or Brown rice if preferred, or alongside a baked white potato or Sweet potato.

The above ingredient quantities usually make 8+ portions to go with your rice or potato etc.

Enjoy :)

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