Going for a new variation of my usual chick pea coconut curry and adding Butter beans to the mix.
Beans of any type are a bonus on a plant based diet as they usually contain a decent amount of fibre, protein and some carbs but with very little fat if any and no added sugars.
Here is what I put in ingredient wise:
2 x 400g tins of Butter beans (drained)
2 x 400g tins of Chick peas (drained)
1 x 400g tin of Coconut milk
Fresh ingredients:
6 x Salad tomatoes (chopped)
3 x Mixed variety peppers/capsicum (red, orange, green or yellow)
1 x Large pack of White mushrooms
1 x Half a bag of baby spinach leaves
Spices etc:
2 x Teaspoons of Paprika
4 x Teaspoons of Medium curry powder
1 x Teaspoon of Turmeric
1 x Teaspoon of ground Black Pepper
1 x Veg stock cube
2 x Teaspoons of Lazy garlic
I added one pint of hot water to all the spices and garlic and poured over the other ingredients in the casserole dish/slow cooker and I didn't add the Coconut milk until halfway through cooking as I like to allow the water and spice combination to soak into the beans and legumes etc, before thickening it slightly with the Coconut milk.
Once all the ingredients seem to be nicely softened and cooked I will usually add teaspoons of Veg gravy granules as a thickener for the ideal final consistency.
The quantities given will normally give me between 8-10 plastic takeaway container size portions which I can freeze or chill and serve alongside my choice of rice, sweet potato, salad potato, jacket potato, Cous cous or even pasta as I'm odd like that.
Stage one, all ingredients except coconut milk in for first half of cooking.

Stage two, with coconut milk added and contents of dish stirred.

Stage three, final dish fully cooked with required consistency.

Please feel free to give feedback if you tried my recipe and let me know if you liked it or not.
Many thanks!
Plant Based Gru.