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Latest recipe - #Plantpowered Sweet potato & Chick pea Coconut curry with spinach and sultanas.

So I was making yet another chick pea coconut curry and decided on the good old Sweet potato again as a carb filla to bulk it up and provide me with vital carbs should I not want to always add rice to my meal.

I followed my previous Sweet potato, Butter bean and Chick pea recipe but added Sweet ramiro peppers instead of Bell peppers as that was what I had in waiting to be used up. I had also bought some sultanas as my Mum used to put them in her Chicken curries years back and I liked them, so I thought I would add them to this recipe too.

I made this meal with a Crock Pot and the ingredient quantities listed below made me 8 adult size portions to go with or without rice or a Jacket potato etc.

Ingredients used in order:

5-6 Medium sized Sweet potatoes chopped into medium sized chunks

2 x 400g of drained Chick peas

1 Veg stock cube

1 pint of hot water

1 x Teaspoon of Black pepper

1 x Teaspoon of Turmeric powder

2 x Teaspoons of Paprika powder

4 x Teaspoons of Medium Curry powder...

2hrs in (Using a slow cooker on high) I added the following..

6 x Salad tomatoes sliced into quarters

2 x Sweet ramiro peppers sliced into small pieces

2 x Handfuls of Baby spinach

1 x Teacup full of Sultanas

2 x Teaspoons of chopped garlic from a jar 'Lazy Garlic'

4hrs in (Using a slow cooker on high) I added the following..

1 x 400g tin of Coconut milk

1 x 300g pack of white button mushrooms

I gave it a good stir and cooked it for another 2hrs still on high in the slow cooker stirring every half hour or so, mainly because I was busy, an hours cooking likely would of been enough.

6hrs in using the slow cooker still on high and it was good to go, the sweet potatoes had dissipated into the dish so it was a nice consistent texture with no chunks or lumps.

I let it cool and portioned it up into microwavable containers with a bed of uncooked baby spinach leaves in the bottom of each container.

I got 8 adult sized portions out of the above recipe.

Enjoy, and feel free to give me feedback if you try out the recipe for yourself. I actually found this my favourite one so far, as the Sultanas gave it a lovely sweetness that complemented all the other flavours.

Plant Based Gru.

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