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#Plantpowered and vegan Chickpea and root vegetable coconut curry recipe.

Well it was coconut curry time again and I'd recently bought some carrots and parsnips, so a root vegetable based curry it was to be. I also had some browning bananas I needed to use up and had previously tried them with success in a curry, so decided to go with them again.

Some will think the bananas are weird, but no more weird than pineapple on pizza, so I guess it depends where you stand in the pizza camp.

As always I used organic dried chickpeas from my local organic and eco shop Om Nom in Southport which needed soaking overnight, and the soaking bulks up the size and weight of the chickpeas too so 500g of dried organic for example will easily give you over 800g once soaked as indicated in this recipe.

This recipe was cooked in a slow cooker as it allows me to make upto 10 portions and on average 8-9 portions, and they can be cooked slowly to make the best of the flavours and I can leave it unattended for several hours at a time while I do other things.

Once cooked I portion it up into your typical plastic takeaway containers recycled from previous takeaway meals as I'm a fan of recycling where possible.


Fresh ingredients:

500g of large cut chopped carrots

500g of large cut chopped parsnips

3 x Large cut bell peppers (optional)

300g of white or chestnut mushrooms

4 x large chopped bananas

Dried ingredients:

500g of dried organic chickpeas (soak overnight)

Tinned ingredients:

400g of coconut milk

400g of chopped tomatoes

Spices etc:

2 x teaspoons of Turmeric

3 x teaspoons of chopped garlic

8 x teaspoons of curry powder

2 x vegetable stock cubes


1 pint of water to mix the stock cubes and spices etc

(optional) Vegetable gravy granules to thicken at the end.


Simple enough to prep, chop everything up into large chunks to give a decent chunky texture to the meal to replace the missing meat pieces you may be used too.

Start off with the chickpeas and the carrots and parsnips in the slow cooker on high or your casserole pot in the oven at 200C and add the pint of hot water with all the spices, garlic and stock cubes mixed together.

Halfway through cooking when the carrots and parsnips are starting to soften add the chopped peppers, mushrooms, bananas and the tin of tomatoes and the tin of coconut milk.

When everything has softened especially the chickpeas, which will often still be fairly firm but not hard, then add vegatable gravy granules as required to thicken up the liquid itself if needed, and then allow to cool.

Portion up and once cooled store in the freezer or store in fridge if going to be used within 3-4 days.

I got 9 portions out of the above quantities.




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