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Spring is a time for new and renewed life, and a new and renewed outlook on the life that we share.

It will soon be Easter and the beginning of yet another Spring and a time of renewal and fresh beginnings, as many of us eventually come out of our Winter slumber.

It's been a long year since last Spring and when Covid19 first hit us full on, but we survived and are hopefully as a race making changes in our lives to improve our health and our welfare and our future survival rate to future pandemics.

I do hope that other than just having the jab we have made some changes to our diet to, and made some changes that will directly affect the welfare of the animals and birds that actually start the majority of the pandemics. This being due to us sticking them all in confined spaces and ideal breeding grounds for disease and virus mutation, and our mass breeding them for our consumption and misuse.

I'm always here if anyone needs advice on plant based or vegan lifestyle and basic nutrition and I can usually point you in the direction of resources to look at, but am happy to answer questions directly via DM too.

So Springs here, get out when you can and while you can, be it a walk a run or a cycle as just being in the sunlight when we do get it significantly boosts our Vit D production and thus directly benefits our immune system among many other things.

Our mental health is also a priority in difficult times, and it directly benefits our welfare to get out sometimes for some much needed time outdoors or fresh air. I know so many people who state exercise has really helped in their mental health and despite somedays feeling like they couldn;t handle going out or didn't want to, they felt significantly better. A brief interlude in a slump is better than nothing and certainly better than a continual slump we may struggle to get out off. Knowing we managed to get out helps reinforce our belief that we can be strong enough to defeat some of our demons, even if only for a day at a time.

Enjoy your freedoms when they return as we never know how long we will have them and we should always use our time wisely and not just for our own personal benefit. Remember those that don't have our freedoms be they human or animal and lets do our best to at least share or try and share them equally.

We are not the only species on this earth, and we are actually outnumbered by many others, you would be surprised if you saw the actual figures. Just be thankful the other species don't have rule over us because quite frankly we would be screwed, and lets be thankful they seem to be mostly kind, loving and compassionate creatures, I genuinely wish we could learn from that.

So get out there, take care of those around you, and most of all enjoy life, but not at the expense of others please. xx



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